I have been watching lots of TV this month. Lots of TV. Anyone in the UK, will know about how addictive Endeavour is and oh my that cliff hanger. I was absorbed and reminded of my reasons why I love Cornwall over the Easter Bank holiday with BBC version of Jamaica Inn. I was screaming over an particular episode of Th e Good Wife and have actually stopped watching it, temporarily, as I found out there will season 6 which I have mixed feelings over. Getting back in the groove with Marvel: Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. I'm still obsessed with American Horror Story, I still can't get over how quickly I watched all 3 seasons, in 4 days. I can't wait until the fourth series, especially as its been announced that it will take place in a carnival/freak show. Makes me think of one the best TV series ever made, Carnivale. Game of Thrones started up again so that had been taking over my mind. Fargo also started, I have it taped so I waiting for a free moment to enjoy that show. And I have basically been looking out for new shows to get obsessed about. Turn, Halt & Catch Fire are definitely on the list. But as for films, its been rather quiet. I have only been to the cinema twice. Very disappointing, but I think my choices were excellent.
I loved this film so much when I saw it at the BFI Film Festival last year I had to see it on the big screen one more time. This time I couldn't get the soundtrack out of my head so of course I went and bought it. You can read my thoughts of the film
here. 5/5

This is the remake. For other reasons stated in a previous post, I have not seen the original yet. After seeing this film, which just be renamed, Incest: The Movie, I think I do need to see the famed original. The first half the film played out well. A dirtbag advertising executive is a mess, he drinks, forgets his fatherly duties and ruins business meetings. Suddenly he's trapped in what appears to be a hotel room when in fact its a prison. He's is trapped for is trapped for 20 years, while being tortured with images of his daughter as she grows up thinking he murdered her mother. Suddenly he is released so he sets out looking for his daughter and the man responsible for his years of torture. That half was interesting, even the part where he starts to follow back who captured him but then when the villain explains his plan and past, the film drifts off. I lost interest and thought the reasons behind it all were a tad anti climactic and disgusting. It certainly wasn't great but it wasn't appalling either. Apart from seeing the original, I never want to see this film again for cinematic reasons and story reasons. 2/5
The premise for this film was so simple and it is for this reason (and the cast) that I wanted to see this film. 'I'm going to kill you on Sunday Father'. A good priest is faced with this in confession in the opening scene. We, the audience don't know who the person is, we can only see Brendan Gleeson's face. We can't even recognise the voice of the person, which I liked. I was worried that throughout the film I'd be guessing who it was but the story is well thought out and leads you away from that opener, you become more invested in Gleeson's character. I have to say, the last third of the film is very moving. The scene between Father Lavelle and his suicidal daughter is son brilliantly acted, its understated and not dramatic, you feel sorry for both characters. This is the same feeling for the final scenes in the film, its not dramatic, its well played out and brilliant story. The mix of very black comedic moments mixed with tragic situations is just perfect.