1. Sin City
Of course I had to include this film, it's my favourite film. Some people have questioned this choice. My sister couldn't understand why I chose the film as its derogatory to women. Yes, the original series was created by Frank Miller who has a twisted mind but created some amazing artwork and this inspired the unique look of the film and yes all the women featured are either prostitutes and sluts but, there are strong powerful, sometimes violent women, who can defend themselves. Look beyound the basic characteristics and the costumes and the female characters are just as rich as the men. But I love this film and stories because at the time it was made and released, there was nothing like it and to be honest there have been other films trying to be like it but nothing compares the originality and design of the film. I read a few of the books too and the films stay true to the source material. It's just a shame about the sequel/prequel.
2. Tamara Drewe
Originally written and drawn by Posey Simmonds, the graphic novel was superb and entertaining. I particularly love the art work and the way the story unfolds. Based loosly on Thomas Hardy's Far From the Madding Crowd, the books is told from three characters' perspectives on events usually surrounding Tamara Drewe. The film, based on the graphic novel, captures the characters perfectly, especially the two teenagers who are the cause of so many problems, Casey and Jody. Although there is tragic end in the graphic novel in keeping with Hardy's work, the film ended more positive which worked cinematically. It was described as a soap like tale, its nothing like that, its drama with comedy and the country all in one.
3. Tintin
I had mixed feeling about this film when it was first announced, especially when they said it would be 3D and done using motion capture. As more photos and news came in, I got excited. I've loved the comics since I was really young, even go on about the best exhibition that was on at The Maritime Museum, Tintin at Sea. I even specifically wanted to go Brussels to go to the Comic Strip Museum and for beer of course. Tintin is part of my childhood, left the same way about Paddington but Tintin more. When I first saw the finished photo of what the character looked like, my faith was restored and I was so excited. I love the film. Some 'fans' have been split about it but I couldnt love it more. The story is a combination of 3 books in one which actually work. I really hope another is made as there are still other great characters to discover.Have a look here at the blog that started Thursday Picks; Wandering through the Shelves