I am a day late but no matter, better late than never right? I loved this week's theme! But I have to say, most of my crossover dreams were or are for shows no longer on thea air.
1. Miss Fisher + Poirot
2. Daredevil + Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
With the reboot series of Daredevil set in the same era as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, it could make some sense to get these two into a crossover episode or double episode. Unless Netflix want to only crossover with other Netflix shows. If they are planning an Inhumans show surely this crossover could happen.
3. Parks and Recreation + The Office
I know they've both ended but having the downtrodden workers in Scranton meet the crazy upbeat folk of Pawney would have been hilarious. It could have been a bizarre set up where a local government office does a 'cultrual exchange' with anothet random company office in USA. Someone would have pointed out they're all from the same cultrual, sort of and it doesn't make sense, but it would have been great.
4. Mad Max + Tank Girl
I have to admit I've not seen Tank Girl the film but I have had a look through some of the comics. The link, of course would be, they're both kind of set in Australia and its the future with a weird dystopian feel. You never know Tank Girl could be Max's best friend.
5. X-Men + Avengers + Fantastic Four
Basically, I want House of M, the first book not the spin offs, the one where everyone is there. It's an amazing story and it would bring everyone together. Just stop being lame Fox and give the people what they want!