Over at Girl Meets Cinema, is a little slice Friday fun, So Fetch Fridays. It's great way to talk to about things that you've been excited about or in my case that have peaked my interest.
I think that as I've got older I've started to appreciate more things, like, old houses, parks, gardens and hsitorical sites. Never churches. When I was really young, my parents took my sister and I to many of these type of places, and most of the time I was dragged kicking and screaming. But into my teenage years and my 20's I can appreciate such days out and visits. Despite being told by my parents 'You want to go there? But you don't like that stuff.' You wound me madam as to how little you know me. I've always had a eye for unsual places. I know this as I've kept many postcards, ripped out pictures and photographs too of places that have caught my attention, things I;ve collected and kept for years.
My Five Fetch things are related to this theme, for want of a better way to say it, old houses.
1. Blenhiem Palace
When perusing the internet for days out at work I came across Blenheim Palace as a reccommeded place to visist. I suggested to the family and off we went, we even took my Nan out too. The gardens were beautiful and some of the rooms were fascinating. If you're thinking of visiting the place, I implore you, do not bother with the upstairs part, my Dad and I were bored to tears. Go for the views, the history and the large selection of cakes in the cafe.
2. Abandoned Planet
I saw these photographs by Andre Govia, on a random site and couldn't stop looking at them. These photographs are amazing. The filmmaker in mean sees them and they scream back 'film location' to me. They're inspiring. And you can look at them all day in the coffee table book.
3. Norway
From a Bored Panda post, I also saw these while at work and my interest in visiting the country grew. What would it be like to sit at the window and look out to see the hills of Norway a few feet away.
4. Spreepark, Berlin, Germany
The story goes that the themes park was very successful but after fiinancial difficulty and debt mounting up, the owners disappeared and the park closed in 2002. Since then there has been a suspicious fire and no sign of reopening or a new development. It's an eery place from the photographs but I do wish I'd seen it when I was in Berlin.
5. Libarabries
It's a bit of cheat this one seeing iI wrote a blog post just about these libararies. You can find the post anywhere really but just in case here it is on Flavorwire. The photo above looks like its just been lifted from The beauty and the Beast inspiration mood board.