November, usually a good month for new releases but alas, all the films I want to see are being released at the end of the week and so will appear in my December Watch List. The list this month is very short indeed. I actually only saw two films at the cinema this month, which is very odd for me. I've watch quite a bit of TV. This happens tooo, one month I'm completely distracted by TV shows, catching up on them and so on, but the main obsession has been Moonlighting. Such a good show.
After the game changing triumph of Skyfall, things were looking great for Bond. All the fans got excited about Spectre being allowed to be in the films and all the new fans were just looking foward to a great film. Well, to be honest, I'm not really a huge Bond fan, but I did like Casino Royale and Skyfall. Unfortunately Spectre felt like it was evolving the 'rebooted' franchise backwards. All the same characters were back but not really doing anything much. Moneypenny had more to do the adverts for the product placements than the actual film and Q spent most of his time in an empty basement. Bond got to roam around the globe going to some spectacular places, the opening sequence in Mexico was a highlight. But there were far too many 'eye roll' moments and the script was packed with cliche lines, it was all like one long nostalgic nod to the old Bond films, back in the 70s and 80s. It wasn't the best Bond film, I found myself picking it apart afterwards and it was just too long. Hopefully they will improve the next time around. 3/5
Mockingjay Part 2
A year of waiting is over. This was the film I was dying to see. With such a cliffhanger from Part 1 and the dearly departed Philip Seymour Hoffman's role having to be decreased, there was worry. I absolutely love the books and I consoled myself with the audiobook of Mockingjay all year. As long as they followed the book I'd be happy and they actually did. To avoid spoilers, I will talk generally. Part 1 was about preparation and Part 2 is about war. I think the films weren't balanced well. There is a whole section at the start that could have easily been included in the previous film to free up space to some scenes that definitely needed more time. Some key moments were cut short, plot holes too. But the main bulk of the film was perfect. The first two films were far better but Mockingjay watch as a whole is pretty damn good too, and an excellent end to the story, I got my closure or at least I will when I get to see some deleted scenes on the DVD. 4/5
Happy Christmas
The trailer makes the film seem like the run of the mill, lost 20 something coming to stay with family over Christmas, they mess but patch things up with said family. That is the basis of the story but it is more about Jenny bonding with her sister-in-law, Kelly, who is a writer. Nothing much happens to be honest and the way it was acted, almost natural with forced actions, statred to get on my nerves and I did get bored. I watch the film over 3 days. There were a few funny moments where Jenny, her friend and Kelly are all discussing what is ok to mention in a love scene that a character in a book is dreaming about. It's amusing in places but too slow paced and a little on the dull side. But it was good to see Melaine Lynskey on the screen. 2/5
From the moment the film started I understood how ridiculous it was going to be. Jeff Bridges hadn't even appeared yet. The film, story, charcters and purpose are all completely ridiculous but I think everyone knows it. A story about heaven, hell, the living and dead and the 'greatest lawmen' just seemed a bit too silly to be successful and therefore did not do well at all upon release but I'm guessing it was loved on all other forms. The fact that it was Rest In Peace Department should have tipped off everyone. When Ryan Reynolds wonder cop, happily married, good guy gets shot by his evil partner Kevin Bacon, he is transported to the R.I.P.D. instead of heaven. He is then partnered with Roycephus "Roy" Pulsipher who plays Jeff Bridges in a American Civil War Marshal get up. Complete with permanent gurn face and pointy beard. Their job is to send 'deados' back to hell, those who refuse to pass on and somehow remain on Earth. There's a plot to reverse how things go, bring back all the dead people back to Boston or Earth. I think everyone involved knew how silly the film was but did it anyway for fun. 3/5