Thursday 16 July 2015

Thursday Movie Picks: Science Fiction Movies (No Space/Aliens)

No aliens, no space. That narrows it down a bit but science fiction is such a fast subject there are plenty of amazing films out there. I've struggled to bring my list down to just 3 choices.

1. Blade Runner
Rather an obvious choice, but most of Philip K Dick's adaptation are a no brainer for non alien and space detail science fiction stories. Replicants, created by the Tyrell Corporation, with the creator looming over LA in a gigantic pyramid, were bioengineered beings with a 4 year life span. When 4 are found out to have come to Earth illegally, Rick Dekker is on the case to track them down. It's gritty, it's realistic futuristic to an extent, its more a neo noir than sci-fi and its damn good.

2.  Metropolis

I studied this film back in college in Film Studies, along with the other silent gilm favourites but this film stayed with me. The production design was superb and the story was true science fiction involving robots, mad scientists, a city where the workers made things work from below and the wealthy enjoy life above. The famous scene where the robot is turned into the image the heroine is brilliant and scary at the same time.

3. Looper
Had to tick time travel of the list. I know that people were torn about this film but I am a big Rian Johnson fan ever since Brick. I do love a good hitma film and this has the sci-fi/manhunt parts added in as well as an epic soundtrack. Great cast and no, I didn't suspect the end result. In the future time travel has been invented, mob gang members employ hitmen in the past to kill people from the future by sending them back in time, the ones who do the deeds are called 'Loopers'. Brilliant hook and I think it followed through. But I have to say the best scene is near the start 'a life in a day' sequence is filmed so well. Oh and one last thing, I really dislike the kid in this, he's creep beyond belief.

Don't forget to check out what Wandering Through the Shelves picked, the blog that started Thursday Movie Picks.


  1. Great picks! Enjoyed both Looper and Blade Runner, still have to watch Metropolis.

  2. I picked Blade Runner too! (How could you not?). Looper is also one of my favourite sci-fi movies in recent years and not just because I love JGL. It's a great concept and borrows some of the noir feel from Blade Runner. Maybe you can explain the ending to me though...

  3. I've seen two of your three picks. I haven't seen Metropolis (been meaning too for years) but I have seen Blade Runner (which I thought of but wanted to pick something that might not come up) and Looper. Blade Runner, of course, is a masterpiece.

    - Myerla

  4. Like both of your first two picks quite a lot, Metropolis is so inventive so its time period, but haven't seen Looper. A friend with similar tastes to mine warned me off saying she found it deeply disturbing so despite my fondness for JGL I've given it the go by.

  5. Looper...nice! That's a movie I felt didn't get a fair shake by a lot of critics. I had a blast with that one. Thought it was great! I have to see Metropolis one of these days, I know. And I should probably turn in my cinephile card for still never having seen Blade Runner.

  6. Yay, Metropolis!!! Yay, Looper!!!

  7. Don't discount it too soon, its a great hitman/scifi film hybrid. I do love Metropolis and all the references its influenced in pop culture - Futurama comes to mind.

  8. Thank you! Definitely watch Metropolis - the mother or father of all sci-fi films.

  9. Excellent choice :) Glad to see all this love for Looper. I can see what you mean about the ending. I don't want to give away spoilers even through reasoning. But I think it means that its all cancelled out?

  10. Indeed it is. I'd say that Metropolis is also a masterpiece and you might see its influence on Blade Runner too - especially the skyline of the city.

  11. Metropolis, yes! And Looper was quite good as well. I know it's rather shameful, but I STILL have not yet seen Bladerunner. Really need to do that sometime!

  12. Bladerunner is one of those films where it was all worth that wait.

  13. Love Blade Runner and enjoyed Looper although I think it had a jarring loop hole at the end.

  14. Oh yeh there was something not quite right at the end of that film.
