I have a set of films and TV specials that I watch, only during Christmas and it does not include 'It's a Wonderful Life' or that insufferable film 'Love Actually'. No this is a list, that is probably similar to other lists, but includes Irish reindeer, Halloween characters, adults acting like children and John Lithgow. It's not Christmas without Lithgow.
1. Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
A classic tale of Halloween Town taking over Christmas with Jack Skeleton as Sandy Claws. This film could also be a Halloween film too but I always associate it with Christmas as I only got to see the whole thing last year. I usually miss the beginning and get caught up. The songs are catchy, as my mum pointed out the other day and the animation magical!
2. Robbie the Reindeer - Hooves of Fire
Robbie, son of Rudolph, arrives in the North Pole to join the other reindeer and Father Christmas. He has to prove he is worthy of being part of the team and has to beat Blitzen, the villain, in the ultimate race. There are two other episodes but the best is Hooves of Fire as its more related to Christmas and its Ardal O'Hanlon as the voice of Robbie. Plus there is a hilarious seal moment.
3. Flint Street Nativity
My friend first showed this to me at University just before Christmas and I couldn't stop laughing. All the actors, mainly all known comic actors, play children who are performing the Nativity for their parents. There isn't really a main plot but all the characters have something going on. Some of the girls keep switching friends, one angel is determined to play Mary, one of the three kings is trying to hide his lisp, the inn keeper is trying to impress Mary by gluing his hair in place and the star is looking for a lost lizard. I'm not sure if it gets repeated each year but I know its on youtube.
4. Father Christmas/The Snowman
Some more animation! These two stories are the real classics as everyone remembers the snowman and how sad the ending is. It has the famous image, as famous as E.T and Elliot clycing through the air in front of the moon, the image of the snowman and James flying through the snow. The simplest ideas have the most effect. Father Christmas is more amusing, he grumbles and makes a fuss, a typical old man. He decides to take a break and go on holiday to Scotland, France and Las Vegas but he makes time for Christmas Eve. I loved watching these near Christmas when I was young.
5. Santas Claus: The Movie
Another favourite from childhood, in fact nearly all of these films on the list are from childhood. I used to watch this gem from the 80's on a loop, usually on Christmas Day when my sister would open our stocking presents. A few times I would sneak downstairs in the early hours and put this on. My family would come down for breakfast and see me asleep on the sofa watching this film. I watch it every year at some point during Christmas, sadly on youtube as I still haven't bought the DVD. Why? I have no idea. Its the story of how Santa came into being and how through the ages children have seen him. In the present time, Patch (Dudley Moore), the smart elf leaves the North Pole and ends up in business, by mistake, with a disgraced evil toy manufacturer, John Lithgow, and with the help of an orphan and a street urchin Father- I mean Santa saves the day, with help from faithful Patch.
6. The Muppets Christmas Carol
Saving the best til last, the ultimate Christmas film. It has Muppets, its a classic Dickens tale and it has Micheal Caine in it, what more could you want. I watch this every year without fail too, usually Christmas Eve or after I've made the biscuits. Surprisingly its similar to the original A Christmas Carol and is one of the better adaptations, just because it has Muppets in it. The songs are great too, especially the opening number where we meet Scrooge, played to perfection by Caine. All the Muppets are used to play counterparts which fit so well, such as the two old men, Staler and Waldorf play Jacob and Robert Marley and Fozzie plays Fozziwig. And don't forget the ice skating penguins. What are they doing in Victorian London? Who cares they are ice skating penguins!
Hope you enjoy some Christmas films and TV!