This year hasn't been the greatest, I'm not saying there hasn't been some good times but I'm hoping the coming year will be good! So to ensure this I going to make some resolutions and try my best to actually stick to them. I don't usually bother making any, as I forget I made them by February.
These are my resolutions this year and I WILL print them out to remind myself they exist.
1. No negative comments on social networking sites, unless its funny
2. Finish writing a chapter/short story/script each month
3. Pass driving test
4. Save money
5. Read more!
6. Set myself a new film related challenge
7. Be more like Tina Fey
8. At some point I do need to make a dentist appointment
9. (One for my sister) Go to Budapest
From looking around and listening to friends (odd way to put
it) I think this year has been a bust, it will be great to see the back
of it!
So I wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! Go get drunk, party, dance, fall into bushes but do it all safely now.
Before I start my celebrations I need to decide when I can throw away my 2012 calenders . . .