It was my uncle's birthday today. He and my aunty were over here from New Zeland, about to go on holiday around Europe and they stopped off to see us all here in the UK. I'd just like to say, haven't seen my uncle in nearly 13 years! It's kind of a big deal.
Anyway, we gave him a card, this card in fact (see below) and what was going to be just a fun card, film related of course, turned into a game of charades and realisation about my knowledge of film.
This is actually quite big headed of me but I actually knew the answers to all but M, Q, V, X and Y. I thought S was something else but I was wrong. Not bad though 20/26. My family guessed a few and I tried my best to act out the ones they didn't. I struggled to do a charade of P if I'm honest.
When I found out the answers to the ones I didn't know, I found that I had either never heard of them or would never have got the answer from the picture. All in all I love these quiz cards. I've actually given a few out when I've found them. As well as ears, theres genres too.
The creator of these brilliant bits of art is Stephen Wildish, have a look at his Tumblr blog and website.
The second part of this tale of family charades was understanding people's eras in terms of films. I always thought my time was the 90s and 2000s but even on the latter quiz, I was stuck on a couple of letters. I think my parents and aunts and uncles, their era might be more 70s and 60s. I'm hopoing when I'm older I'll keep a grip on the films that are out in the future and stay up to date. Until then I'm going to keep testing my knowledge with these brilliant quiz cards.
Here's a few of my favourite ones, see how many you can get. Unfortuntely I don't have the answers, but I'm sure Wildish does.