Before I even get started, 'where's the comedy' I hear you cry at the end of this post, well before you even get there, the simple answer is, I missed most of 'Brooklyn 99' season 2 when it was on and I'm really annoyed at myself. Otherwise, there is really any good comedy shows on at the moment, just the usual thing.
This is my new obsession. Even after watching the trailer I knew I'd be hooked on this bizarre sci-fi drama from the Wachowskis. Eight people who share minds, emotions, touch, environment with each other. Each character has their own story and how they react to each other. As with most shows where there are many main protagonists, there are a couple that don't seem to interact with all the others as much. But I'm only half way through. Already have a favourite too.
It's like another Nashville and Smash to be fair. A soap like drama that is centered around a music genre. Nashville was/is all about country music, Smash was about broadway musicals (loved that show) and now Empire, which is all about hip hop, pop music. With added family drama that may be liken to King Lear, maybe? No? Ok I'll stop with that comparison. Whatever it is, its actually an addictive show to watch.
No Offense
After my lack of intersest in British shows lately, I was so glad to see this pop up in the Radio Times. From the makers of 'Shamless', I thought this has got to be good and my gad it is. A police drama, set up North, seems run of the mill, but the first case and the one that runs throughtout the series is about a murderer who targets Down's syndrome teenage girls, its brutal. But it the first time I've ever seen a police drama write about this.
Game of Thrones
There is only a day until the Season 5 finale, and its' all going on, in true GoT style, there is death to be expected, and I'm guessing one hell of a cliffhanger. Can't say anymore in case I'm accused of spoiling something I don't even know about.Waiting:
True Detective
Hvaing yet to finish the first season, this show might take a back burner just until I'm caught up. I know the stories aren't connected but I still want to complete the story. The trailers for this season look immense and the cast has expanded, with more 'big' names heading for the small screen. It's the writing, it's the characters and it is, after all HBO, you can't turn it down.
A British drama on Channel 4 that takes place in a parrallel present where robots or 'Synths' can be purchased and used as servants in households. The trailer looked interesting and rather disturbing so of course it had my attention. There also seems to be a trend at the moments for films and TV shows about lifelike robots, but that just be me noticing this. Unsure:
Wayward Pines
Started this as I love mystery and I thought maybe M Night Shyamalan's work would transcend onto the small screen. I really liked the first two episodes but wasn't sure about the end to the second, since then, I've hung back and waited to hear if it got better. Not many people must be watching it as I've not heard a peep about it since it started airing. I might find my way back to it when I've got a chance, give it a second look.Netflix:
House of Cards
Does this show need an intro from me? I have to say, this is the show that started the whole, made for streaming only and all episodes at once trend and what a most excellent idea it was and is. It is a brilliant show, where the lead characters, ultimate power couple, Frank and Claire Underwood, are really horrible people. I have yet to watch season 3. I am saving it for after OITNB and when I've finished watching Sense 8 (it really is my new obsession). But I have an idea if where things are headed for the Underwoods.
Orange is the New Black
After watching the first two seasons and following my favoutie two characters on Instagram (P & Tastee) I love this show. The characters are just too well written and the comedy is balanced with drama and emotion. It's just a great show that champions women. But I won't dive in too soon when its back on Netflix, I'll wait a week after the hype dies down a little bit. Future:
American Horror Story: Hotel
With only a mouth watering cast announced, little or actually next to nothing has been leaked about story. With the usual air date in October, there is a whole Summer to wait. I'm hoping it will be similar to the first series (my favourite) taking place in past and present, but there is also the worry that it may go full Shinning and we want it frsh and original please, especially after the mix of angry and praise for Freak Show.
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
I think me putting this in here explains itself. I want to see FitzSimmons back on the screen. That is all.