Buffy the Vampire Slayer
This was/is a pretty huge one. I loved Firefly, Dollhouse and anyone who reads my blog/Tumblr knows exactly how much I love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. But Buffy, to me, was one of those tacky teen shows that was on channel 5 when it first launched and I had no interest in them. It was the acting that seemed wooden, the plastic faces, the fact it looked like a live action Scooby-Doo show and I wasn't interested. Only when I went to college then Uni did I realise it's impact. I'm still not keen to watch it and I don't think I will. My Buffy experienced started and ended swiftly when I watched the 90s movie that came before the show.
The Walking Dead
After watching the first seasons and quite a few episodes from season 3, I got bored. I missed a few episodes and then I stopped caring. This is such a shame as I really enjoyed season 1, but season 2 dragged on for far too long, although I did enjoy the relationship between Glen and Maggie. Before long I forgot about the show until I started taking part in more blogging communities and fandoms and there is an army of fans out there who love the show, but sadly I am not in this army.
Once Upon a Time
I watched 2 seasons and a few episodes of 3 then stopped. This seems to be a running theme. I watched the series originally to see how this was going to replace the would-be 'Fables' comic TV series and of course it cannot even be compared. Fables is obviously superior and nothing liked the ABC show. I hated the first season and skipped a few episodes after a few minutes, mainly because I was bored if it was a character I didn't like. I hated the format. It didn't work. Having flashbacks that were not necessary in every episode slowed the real story. The second season picked up and even season three was pretty good BUT as I missed more and more episodes I left it. I tried picking it up again but I wasn't enjoying how things were unfolding and how some characters were portrayed, so, yes, I left it and I really don't 'get' the thousands of gifs that appear in my Tumblr feed.
Doctor Who
This is a major one. One assumes (a few have) that as I like sci-fi (and I'm British) that I must love Doctor Who. I'm sorry to say I am not a Who fan. When the show was rebooted back in 2005 I gave it a chance. I think I watched 2 or 3 episodes and then, yes, lost interest. I remember enjoying the last episode of the series just so I could see who the next Doctor was. I did the same when Matt Smith was revealed to be the next doctor. I watched more of Torchwood before that became utterly ridiculous. In my defense, I watched it, it wasn't for me, but I do understand the fandom that surrounds it and its crazy how it has reached beyond the borders of the UK.
Anything on the CW channel
I never got into Arrow or The Flash or Smallville or Supergirl, these all passed me by. To be fair though, I'm not a big DC comics fan. I like Batman but that's as far it goes. I'm slowly slowly getting into Gotham after the first season picked up and got interesting, but that is a darker look at the characters from the comics. So sorry CW fans, this isn't for me. I think Supernatural is the only show I stuck with from CW, well I stuck with it until season 6.