As I missed this Fandom Friday topic at the start of the month I'm sending this out instead of the podcasts one as I don't listen to podcasts.
Apart from reading in my room and getting lost in a book on the train to and from work, these are the places I like to read...
Harris + Hoole coffee shop
At my previous job I used have has at least one weekday off (office shift work ugh) so I usually, if I didn't have any urgent business, I'd sit in the coffee shop for a couple of hours. I used to go there every Tuesday when I was on my writing course as I found it the perfect place to write too. I barely get to there now as I'm back to normal work days and I'm always way too tired to get up early and head over.
The Book Room
This is a spare bedroom in my aunt and uncle's house in the New Forest and it is named The Book Room. Quite simply the room is full of books, two walls of shelves with books, mostly old copies but there are lots of childrens' books from the 60s -90s as my aunty was and is a prolific reader. I used to be able to visit for a week each Summer until Uni then it became whenever I could. I realised the other day that I actually haven't stayed there since Christmas 2014! I've spent the day but nothing longer. This is mainly to do with my terrible job I had and that my aunt and uncle have a busy schedule. I'm hoping this year I can stay for a few days at least.
Waterstones, Piccadilly
Its a marvelous gigantic bookshop a short walk from Piccadilly Circus and it has 5 floors crammed full of books. The Crime & Mystery section is huge so I can easily get lost in just that one area. The downside is that you want to buy everything in sight so you need to sit down and read a bit of the pile you have in you hands. But there are only a few seats so either wait or hover for your turn. It's like library in there, so quiet and calm, its the perfect place to literally get lost among the shelves.
This is a bit of a stretch and maybe too broad, but there were so many places that were perfect reading spots. On both of my solo trips to this paradise, I found that the promenade in Penzance was peaceful enough to read and it wasn't over crowded with people. Plenty of benched to choose from and a view of the sea. The Minack Theatre was another great spot. Resembling a Greek open air theatre, it is situated on a cliff edge and not only have amazing view but is is also a full functioning theatre. Another spot was The Island in St Ives, a small headland that sticks out into the sea but there were plenty of rocks to climb onto and read for a while.
Richmond Hill
I don't come here alone that often, I'm usually enjoying it with a friend but when I do go alone, in the Summer, the view is beautiful so for me, its the perfect setting for book reading. There are many benches to sit and admire the view and there are grass-y areas too that are wonderful in the sunshine but I'm more of a wonder round then park on a bench kind of person.