Thursday 8 October 2015

Thursday Movie Picks: Villainous Children

I though I wasn't going to get my picks in on time as I couldn't think of films that fit this theme, only characters that were villainous. But at the last minute 3 came to mind. Don't forget to check out what Wandering Through the Shelves picked, the blog that started Thursday Movie Picks.

1. Pretty Persuasion
 Ok, so she's a teenager, technically still a child. Kimberly (Evan Rachel Wood) is privileged Beverley Hills bitch. She manipulates her 'friends' into lying about a male teacher sexually harassing them in the most convoluted plot of revenge and its not even against the teacher. There are no winners in this, not even Kimberley.

2. The Good Son
I saw this years ago so my memory of this film is not tip top but I do recall Macaulay Culkin being evil, a miniature psychopath. When Mark (a very young Elijah Wood) goes to live with his extended family after a tragedy, he starts to suspect then witness his counsin Henry's behaviour and soon his aunt does too. It comes to light that Henry (MC) is evil and that he drowned his younger brother and attempts to kill his sister and his mum. It all climaxes on a cliff edge, you know the drill.

3. We Need to Talk About Kevin
This has got to be the ultimate evil child, showing signs of being an evil villain right from the start. Even though the story is about the mother/son relationship, she blames herself for things he did but throughout his whole life he was awful, never really a moment of happiness, at least not shown in the film (should note, not read the book). It's all Kevin, he really is the epitone of 'someone people are just born bad'.


  1. I tried to read We Need To Talk About Kevin but I just couldn't connect to it. I wonder if the movie would be different. I'd probably have Children of the Corn on my list!

  2. Andrew Ellington8 October 2015 at 21:44

    I've only seen Kevin...but what a troubled kid that was!

  3. I've only seen The Good Son out of these and though it was alright I thought Culkin was flat in the lead which hurt the movie. Pretty Persuasion is in my Netflix queue so I'll be seeing that soon. I've been reluctant to see Kevin since I found even the preview disturbing. They all fit the theme well.

  4. Kevin is one scary kid, really loved the movie though!

  5. I think The Good Son is so popular because everyone who saw this film was shocked to see the Home Alone in an evil role. I have not heard of the other 2 but I do believe that psychopaths are truly born without any sense of empathy and enjoy what they do

  6. After the film, I can't read the book. It's just too much. Aha! Children of the Corn, I haven't seen it as I avoid horror films like the plague.

  7. Too much for me. He was just too much.

  8. He was scary from such a young age, I think that's what bothered me the most.

  9. See what you think of Pretty Persuasion, hope I didn't ruin it for you. I was annoyed by it but the ending showed just how ridiculous and cruel the lead is.

  10. Yep! That's what I thought might happen. And what you've just described is Kevin in a nutshell.

  11. Pretty Persuasion - She's devious!
    WNtTAK - I think there were scenes in the movie where Kevin implies that he is aware from a very young age of how little affection his mother has for him. So I understand why she blames herself and felt that if he was more loved he wouldn't be so angry.
