Wednesday 13 April 2011

I Could Have Been A Post Officer, I Could Have Delivered Post

I've always loved getting post. When I was younger the only post I got was on my birthday or a letter from a relative, because they knew I liked writing and receiving letters. I was known in my family for sending thank you notes in good time and I was always given some kind of letter paper as a present, I didn't complain. I was jealous of my Dad, who got most of the post, even when he said they were bills. I still like sending postcards and letters, an art that has been lost and turned into email. I miss my play Post Office I had when I was younger. I loved writing notes and sending them, didn't matter what they said. I made a post box for each of my family so I could post them letters. Of course they were mistaken for rubbish and thrown away. After that I think I started giving out 'black spots', inspired by Treasure Island. I think I ended up having to sell my post office at a car boot . . .

The anticipation of the post arriving became greater when I moved to Uni halls because I was able to create my own post by shopping online and ebay, oh and letters from home and the bank. Even now, two years later I still get excited, I love opening post. It's like receiving presents when its not your birthday or Christmas. Post this week has included a couple of DVDs, (Monsters, which I recommend you see, and series 1 of Silk, also amazing) a Graze box, which is a this healthy box of nibbles, mostly dry fruit which I love, the Sucker Punch soundtrack, which brightened up the day and I think either tomorrow or the next day I should be receiving some comics and a few things from Little White Lies magazine. All these things I shouldn't be buying, but oh how I love having post!

Update on the film, editing a little over 7 minutes, its looking good so far, only three more scenes to edit and my rough cut is done. I've also started making a DVD cover, won't show you now, I'll perfect it first.

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